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Creative Entrepreneur Coaching Overview

  • Unlocking passion and excitement
  • Rapid Success
  • Feeling better than good in your skin.
  • Increasing your revenue

What to expect from
Compadres Coaching

You will experience both tangible and intangible outcomes during your coaching journey. You can expect an unconventional ride and an unconventional approach. Such is life! Compadres coaching and mentoring has a unique axis. It has been developed, tested and trialed over my many years of doing business – sweat, tears and triumphs, losses and life changing successes have been distilled into humble learnings. 

I am here to listen, collaborate and help you design/redesign and forge dynamic internal and external systems that have YOU and your BUSINESS  thrive. 

As a Compadre, expect to be pushed. The journey can be uncomfortable. I can influence but I can not control or do the work for you. Bring your best, most committed self to the table. 

Professional Skills
  • Results-driven leadership
  • Strategic business optimisation
  • Financial acumen
Personal Skills
  • Emotional resilience
  • Self-actualisation and growth mindset
  • Personal brand development
Interpersonal Skills
  • Relationship mastery and networking
  • Negotiation and deal-closing expertise
  • Influential communication

What is Compadres?

Compadres is a partnership for change. Together, we interrupt life and unpack business as usual. This is a holistic program, helping the real you be a better business you. 

Compadres is coaching, mentoring and business advisory that provides future gazing and problem solving, We also create communities called “Campfire”. 

Compadres is a philosophical approach to optimise Creative Entrepreneurs and their organisations. Collectively we discover and create new opportunities and possibilities, driving connection and change where it is needed most.

Compadres is about Influencing positive risk taking behaviours and identifying the most impactful problems to solve. Our approach is courage centered, driven by unbound creativity and curiosity. The result – a better life, a better business, a better you.  #GoalsMadeReal

Who are your Compadres?

I work with Creative Entrepreneurs, C-Suites, and often their teams all over the world. My clients include: Music Artist, Publisher, Media & Entertainment CMO, VC, Chairperson, Elite Athlete, Design Agency Founder, Technology Co-Founder, NGO Co-Founder/COO, Filmmaker, Co-Founders of fast growing New Age Media business, Education & Training Entrepreneur, retailer, e-retailer and PR firms.
Titles and categories aside, I work with creative entrepreneurs and business leaders who aspire to do more.

I enjoy the back and forth challenges. Uncovering problems, and the problem solving. Compadres is a different way of looking at things to all content I listen to, to all the people I am surrounded by in the office, it’s totally a different dynamic. No one else in my life, has the life or business experience, or has built a businesses. It’s different viewpoint of what's going on in my head.

Tom Maynard, Founder May 20, 2024ThemeNectar
What's included

Coaching Program


Unpacking your blueprint. What brings you here, NOW?

Kickoff Questionnaire.

Trail reflections & current path / the journey begins.

My ‘self-full’ story.

Finding the flow - Signal to the future.

Discovering and designing your Purpose, Principles and Values.

Mapping goals - making them S.M.A.R.T

Your Mission

Two blogs to get you there faster: Be a quitter & Delegate to Elevate

The getting of wisdom - Acknowledgement

My 90 day adventure - trekking the summit.

Three Views

Part 2: Big Steps / New Moves

Habits and Rituals

Free Flow - we’ll discover it together!
Andrew Cornale standing with Kristen Cornale and Clive Burcham