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Compadres Campfire


Igniting Inspiration and Connection

An eclectic gathering of visionary leaders and creative minds


Face-to-face introductions for meaningful connections


Events that spark creativity and innovation


Private forums for sharing, problem-solving, and project collaboration

What is Compadres Campfire?

Compadres Campfire is a partnership for change, bringing together diverse entrepreneurs, business leaders, and creative thinkers. We interrupt life and unpack business as usual, fostering connections that inspire great ideas to make a difference in the world.

A glimpse into our latest Campfire Community event

The Compadre mission

Compadres campfire is all about having an eclectic get together of like-minded people, an injection of inspiration and education.

One sign of a great leader. Being able to Gaze into the future to help to make better decisions today. And Today you will leave with a Take into future of media, creativity and entrepreneurialism.

Our goal is to connect Compadres, inspiring great ideas to that make a difference in the world.

Compadres is a partnership for change. Campfire is the community of diverse entrepreneurs, business leaders and creative thinkers.

Together, we interrupt life and unpack business as usual. Compadres Campfire brings us face to face, introductions for connection, Events for inspiration, Private Forums: for sharing, problem solving, Collaboration on projects.

Exclusively for Founders, CEOs and CMOs.