Better you, better life, better business.
Better you, better life, better business.
Better you, better life, better business.
Better you, better life, better business.
Better you, better life, better business.
Let's talk
Are you asking yourself these questions?
then Compadres is made for you. Find out what support you need
Creative Entrepreneur Coaching
An unconventional mentorship program that delivers results across your personal life and business, recognising that the two are intertwined. We’ll work to unpack your life, what’s holding you back, and how to get where you want to be.
“You Pushed me to think more about my life, have bigger conversations about my future. The framework of the programme has given me guidance, to reflect on the harder conversations in life, and for myself. Learned from talking to someone who’s built bigger businesses. Feel more optimistic …” Female Founder, May 22, 2024
Business Growth Advisory
Designed for creative entrepreneurs, Compadres’ Business Advisory solves your problems quickly through experience, wisdom, connection and collaboration. We solve your biggest problems and we create new futures.
“I felt stale, stuck, suppressed. I went from frustrated to being free. Great conversations with my team, new business flowing through the door….” Female FounderMay 20, 2024
Compadres Campfire
A community of like-minded entrepreneurs and leaders, hungry to do more and be more. Collectively we discover new possibilities, seek inspiration from each other, and drive connection and change where we need it most.
“A privilege to be amongst this illustrious group of people, hearing about some of the opportunities which are coming our way…” Jac Alley, IMAA Chair
Who am I?
Clive Burcham
A father, a multi-business founder, a life-junkie, a survivor. I’ve enjoyed my share of great successes, and been humbled by more than a few hard-learned lessons. “May my scars be your wisdom” on your path to success – however you define your ultimate goals. I set up Compadres to work with entrepreneurs and leaders who aspire to more.
Why Compadres
How Compadres changes their business.
Kristen & Andrew's Case study
“One of the best things you ever said to me was: the Andrew of today is carrying the Andrew from 10 years ago up the hill, and the Andrew from today is getting tired of it… let’s decommission Andrew 2013 so Andrew 2023 can accelerate to climb the hill.”
Anthony Challinor's Case study
Sometimes self-doubt creeps in and stops your ability to get some tasks done. More recently, my ambition has been to take our business online and make it more visible, to service our loyal customer base and expand our reach across Australia.
Wayne Brown's Case study
As a business owner, I faced all the same challenges other founders do: growth, procrastination, apprehension, fear, matched up to my ambition to make a difference. Feeling stuck, and like I was going around in circles.